February 2, 2011

Natural Hair Challenge!


So as you all know, i've been natural for about seven months now, and while I have noticed growth, I am looking to retain a little bit more and get better with my regimen. So the lovely Jamila at College Curlies has decided to take a six month challenge that was started by Curly Nikki & Kim Coles which will include me documenting my hair journey and becoming healthier along the way.

Starting February 1st and ending July 31st, here's what the challenge entails:


  • Drink at least 64 oz of water each day (or half your body weight in ounces)
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Take a multi vitamin and other beneficial supplements
  • Handle hair gently at all times
  • Seal your ends every time you moisturize
  • Minimize (direct) heat usage
  • Deep treatment at every wash session
  • Develop and follow a consistent hair routine, tailored to your specific needs and desired goals
  • Document your progress, observations, and frustrations on your personal blog
  • Encourage your fellow curlies by sharing tips, advice, and chiming in on their blogs
  • Have fun and enjoy the journey!

I'm excited taking this challenge and being able to maintain strong and healthy hair. I encourage all of my naturalistas out there to take the challenge. Let's help one another as we continue on this amazing journey! :) 


1 comment:

  1. im on a natural hair challenge too. Its hard but healthy hair is worth it :) best of luck!
