May 28, 2009

So, we rock bandanas on our ankles now?

Now don't get me wrong, I think the blue jean fit is cool, but really Dream? The bandana on the ankle? That's just something I've never ever seen before. I mean, if you like it - then I love it, but in this case, I don't think I'm feeling it too much. What do y'all think? C. Milli's outfit is cute, but that bandana on dude's ankle...*hmph* lol ;-)

Ryan Leslie

Artists like Ryan Lesle only come around every once in a lifetime. Ever since I heard his song, "Diamond Girl", I thought to myself 'my goodness, this dude is talented!" After I did a bit more research and found out that he graduated from Harvard at such a young age, I just wanted to know more about this musical phenom. His ability to create * and I mean CREATE* his own music from the ground up and use his own talents to write the lyrics and compose the music is amazing to me. I love his sound and the fact that he is very connected to his fan base. I really hope to see him live sometime this summer or sometime in the near future. His self-titled album is nothing short of amazing & he has produced and written hit singles for artists like Britney Spears, Cassie, Danity Kane and many others. In my opinion, I think this artist is very underrated, and is what the r&b game has been missing. If you dont believe me, check it out for yourself. . .<3


May 22, 2009

welcome back :)

so your girl is back in chi-city for summer festivities *aeoooww!* and i'm about to have some fun fun fun while i'm here. had a glorious time in DC/ATL with the fam (congrats to my sisters on graduating from Howard & Clark-Atlanta) but there's nothing like being home. Like they say, "home is where your heart is" but anyway---> let's talk about those NBA Finals though! My dream match up in the final two would be Denver v. Cleveland *with Cleveland winning it all, of course* I've got love for LeBron & Carmello EQUALLY. I've been lowkey following Bronny Bron since he entered the league six years ago and 'Melo is an illustriuous alum of SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY *NCAA Champs 2oo3 to be precise* so I will be glued to the television for the next week or so. I've got a million other things on my mind, but I think I'm going to keep it short for this evening. My next blog is going to be a wee-bit long, talking about the state of hip-hop music today, because after watching the new joint of the day on 106 & Park entitled "The Train" (I have no idea where the train was going, or coming from) but it's just a disgrace to see what "hip-hop" has come to. Now don't get me wrong, there are still real artists out there doing their thing and even the up & coming artists coming into the game doing their thing too *shouts out to Drake* but all this dancing & rapping nonsense has got to cease! *sigh*

I'm not gonna put too much energy into it, I'll just save it for next time. But shouts out to my girl Mandi Jay turning twenty tomorrow - my chi-town twin & my bestie Dora pictured above, love you guys!! <3 Everyone have a safe & fun Memorial Day & I will hollerrrrr!


May 10, 2009


happy mother's day! =)

it is officially *in my mind, of course* summertime! school is out, the weather is getting nice & you know what that means. . .time to go shoppinnggg!!! i've got madd ideas for my summer wardrobe and the many places and things I want to do this summer IN the greatest city in the world. That's right - I am an official "Summertime Chi' fanatic and I can't wait to get back home and clown! The Taste of Chicago, the Jazz Fest, Custer Street Fair, fireworks @ Navy Pier - i'm gonna do it ALL, and party down too! I've got much hope and promise in this summer, and I hope it doesn't fail me. But until May 19th, when i'm back in the lovely presence of the Windy City, I will rest on the memories I've made thus far until new ones are created and blossomed.


<3 csc.

May 7, 2009

[*&& time keeps on tickin'...]

sophomore year is done - yes! but more than that, i think i've finally got an idea of what i want to do in my career, and it all has to do with fashion, music, dance, entertainment, chicagatlantanewyork, public relations *of course* and a slue of other things. but i'm doing my best to put myself out there in order to follow my dreams. 'taking the stage' inspires me to pursue dance even more. and although i haven't been dancing hardcore like the kids on that show, i still think i've got a chance to get to the point i want to be at in my dance career.

this summer is gonna kick @$$ tho - i'm gonna step up my blog game and start the preliminary work on my own PR/events management firm. my plan is to step my dance game up too, and move around chi-town and become this awesome free-lance writer that reviews music & concerts and stuff. hmmm...could that be another addition to the list of the many things i want to do with my career? i feel like i'm possibly putting myself in the position to make those moves. it's hustle/grind time - i'm not getting any younger, so it's time for me to make moves, you feel me? so, starting the next blog, i'm gonna try to bring y'all new, fresh & exciting stuff thats poppin' off in wherever i may be, cool? cool.

keep chasing your dreams...
