November 25, 2009

**flyness alert! : keke palmer

gotta love true jackson & her little black dress. keke palmer is photographed here at a recent gala event.

doesn't she look fab? :)


November 22, 2009

| bathroom files - brandy sings "a change is gonna come" |

so i've always been a brandy fan, but as of late, shorty has been singing her FACE on these youtube videos she's been posting! a lot of people throw her shade because they think she can't sing, but the proof is in the bathroom sink *ok, i tried*

check out brandy's rendition of sam cooke's "a change is gonna come" & tell me what you think. i'm gonna need for artists like her, monica, and a host of others to go on tour - i would be there front row!


November 16, 2009

**flyness alert! : anika noni rose

happy monday lovies!

this week is going to be one for the books, so i'm going to try my best to squeeze in posts when i can. but like always, my fashion radar is on 24/7 and i spotted this amazingly fly dress that actress anika noni rose wore to the premiere of disney's "the princess & the frog". it is something that i would TOTALLY were, and i guess that's why i fell in love with it so quickly.

can't wait to see the first black disney princess movie!


November 15, 2009

if you love me baby, smile...

did you ever play that game in drama class when you were in elementary school?
the option of the game was to not crack a smile when the person who was "it" if you will when they said, "if you love me baby smile..." if you were successful at not smiling at the person, whoever it was, you would state, "i don't love you, but _____ does," and the person was "it" would go over to that person and attempt to make that person smile again.

i've always been the type of individual who loves to smile. looking back at my pictures as a child is so amusing to me because even when i didn't have any front teeth, i would flash those pearly whites as if they were in place (hence, why i've donned the name 'lilmizsunshyne).

smiling is just something that comes with my bubbly personality, and whenever i'm not smiling or upbeat, it throws people for a loop because they're so used to seeing me laughing or giggling about something. but what i've found is that i'm attracted to people who have great smiles. if you're a guy and you flash that smile at me when we're having a conversation, boy-oh-boy will you make me swoon. *lol* but i think that smiling is just a part of being. whether it's an evil grimace or a sweet & sugary grin - a smile can open up a window to the love you have for life.

like my mommie always says, it takes more muscles to make a frown than to smile...and i think that if we all smiled a little more, it would just loosen up the tension that we can sometimes walk around with. so when you start your day tomorrow, just think about smiling - you never know who will fall in love with your smile.

"Wear a smile - one size fits all." ~Author Unknown


November 13, 2009

crawl - chris brown

every now and then, there comes a song that surfaces that has not only a good message, but is very inspirational. i'm the type of person that sees art in music. . .the art of dance that is. i absolutely adore chris' new song and have been inspired to create some type of movement to it. i'm not too sure when i will have time, but i know that a seed has been planted - maybe this dream will come to life march 2011?

who knows. but until then, enjoy the song & let me know what you think of it.


November 12, 2009

Video Phone (Remix) feat. Lady Gaga

so now that we know we'll be waiting for the video for another week or so, it's grand that we get to hear the version of 'video phone' that will be in the highly anticipated video featuring lady gaga & beyonce.

the mix is hot, i'd shake my bon-bon to it in the club ;-)

word to for sharing the remix with the world - go check it out!


November 10, 2009

sneaker heels - where they do that at?!

no need for explanation, just know that i would rock these in a lovely pink & black combo.


November 9, 2009

lovely day - bill withers

it's the beginning of november and it's 71 degrees outside....

bill withers soothing voice just lights up insides this morning. while he is talking about his significant other, i'm taking it as me looking in the mirror this morning and telling myself, "today is going to be a lovely day."

i think we can sometimes get so caught up in the tests, quizzes, projects, deadlines, work study jobs, internships and millions of other things that we as college students and working individuals tend to worry about on a daily basis. but i personally feel that it is essential to take time out of your day just to have a calming moment with yourself amongst the chaos. back in the day *maybe about three or four years ago* i would literally drive myself insane if i had seven million things to do on my list for the day. i wouldn't eat or sleep properly, and i would bite the head off of any individual that would come my way.

but fast forward three years and several college credits later, i find myself prioritizing much more adequately and finding time to make ME happy. i love college, and all that fun, craziness and rachetness that sometimes comes with it. but at the end of the day, if i'm not falling asleep with a smile on my face and thankful to God for bringing me thru yet another day - then there is terribly something wrong.

i'm at the point where i want to get back to the simplicities of life - having a good conversation with a friend, reading a good book, writing a journal entry & having the music take me away.

my goal is to have moments like this at least 5 times a week, or more.

continue to live for what makes your heart beat everyday - be happy & spread that joy to others.

peace, love & happiness.


November 8, 2009

First Lady Michelle Obama's Top Looks of 2009

hey y'all!

word to Bazaar for highlighting michelle obama's top ten looks of 2009. now, we know that she is not only an inspirational figure to young women and men all over the world, but she is a fashion icon in her own right. i thought that it would be only right that I pay homage to a fellow Capricorn (january babies are awesome) and show off some of my favorite looks worn by the first lady this year:

isn't she lovely? ;-)


November 5, 2009

rihanna's response: too little, too late?

so rihanna is finally breaking her silence about the abuse she experienced with ex-boyfriend chris brown. i'm gonna give my opinion in two perspectives:

from a public relations perspective:

i think that rihanna's PR team knows exactly what they are doing in terms of letting her finally tell her side of the story to 20/20, performing at the AMA in a few weeks, and other things - all the while with the release of a brand new album which has already leaked to several outlets. by her telling her story, of course she is overshadowing/competing with chris as he promotes his album and continues to try to clear his name, but it's sign that they are both moving on with their careers. in addition to her interview, i'm sure that rihanna's PR people are encouraging her to become an advocate for domestic abuse and as you see in the clip up there, she tries to spit one or two statistics. i must say, while her answers aren't rehearsed, her public speaking could use a little work. being that i'm a fly twenty-something, i understood all that she was saying in the interview, but others may not *i'm just saying*

from a personal perspective:

i respect the fact that she is finally stepping up and telling her side of the story, but i feel that it could have come a lot earlier. and as i stated before, her PR clique is damn good at what they do because she's getting even more press that is going to help her album rise to number one on the charts. now, she's been in the media hardcore for the past eight months, but for her to decide to talk NOW that her album is coming out in a few weeks, i think that is a little skeptical - but that's exactly how the business works. we have seen this situation time and time again with britney, whitney, and many other celebrities and as we know, any press is good press. i do agree with her on the fact that with the picture being leaked to the media, a lot of her privacy was taken away. but what i do respect her for saying is that she knew that it was a dumb mistake for her to crawl back to chris weeks after the incident had occured. as a woman, for her to blatantly make that statement and take full responsibility for her actions is commendable. domestic violence is something that can happen to anyone, and i wish that more women across this country and the world would stand up for it and talk about it.

i'm interested to see the rest of the interview and i will be tuned in tomorrow night, 10/9c on ABC *shameless plug for 20/20, huh?* ;-)

