July 11, 2009

on the road of discovery :: just be yourself <3

So it's been a minute since i've really blogged about things that are going on in the wonderful world of "LilMizSunshyne" - but halt! no worries my friends - i'm back in action! watching the rain fall, but i had to take this week to reflect and get my mind right. after the first week of classes, my mind has already been opened with this experience of being away home for the summer. My experiences thus far in my college has seemed *to me* a bit ordinary - i feel like haven't done much that really makes me stand out. Don't get me wrong - i have enjoyed my experience thus far: partying and socializing, learning so much and meeting so many different people from all walks of life; but i feel like there is something *or a bundle of things* that i have yet to do that will be the turning point of my life.

I've grown up a lot in the last two years, and i know that i have a lot more to learn about myself- but at this moment in time, i can genuinely say that I am happy where i am. I will never be perfect, but I'm on this journey to the best perfectly imperfect person that i can be. I'm figuring out what i want to do with my career, my interests and the beliefs and values that i hold deeply in my heart. while there are a number of things that i have yet to experience, i came to a conclusion about that this morning. "sometimes you may feel that you're missing out, or out of place - but to me, that's just God telling you He's got more in store for you" and i honestly believe that. God places people and things in your life for certain reasons. When it comes to love, relationships, ect - i know that I will experience everything in due time. But right now - i'm living for the moment. my passions for art, fashion and music are becoming stronger and i'm just starting to open up and be who i really want to be. regardless of what people say i am or who people thing i am, i'm just gonna live my life as it is meant for me to live. I know one thing - God makes no mistakes : so i'm just gonna do what i gotta do to not get in His way of making me the person that i am supposed to be.

love. live. life,

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