August 16, 2010

sun & sangria, see you later: summer '10, thanks for the memories.

summer 2010 has finally come to an end, and i can't believe how fast it flew by!

as i begin to embark on my final year of college, there are so many thoughts and emotions running through my mind that i don't even know where do begin. i've experienced so many changes this summer as well as growth that i feel that i am ready to tackle senior year with confidence. from traveling half way across the world, to interning and dealing with things here on the home and cutting all of my hair off, this summer has definitely been a great one. there a number of lessons that i plan on taking back with me that i hope will further my growth and maturity.

 1. i am capable of achieving anything (and i mean anything) that i put my mind to and equally work hard toward.

by traveling abroad to spain at the beginning of this summer, i achieved the fruits of my labor. it took a lot of prayer, petition and perseverance to make that trip happen and if i had to go back and do it all over, i would not change a thing. the sun beaches of barcelona, the rich history of madrid and granada and the yummy tapas y sangria made my summer all the more exciting and enticing. <3

2. friends come and go, but the ones who ultimately contribute to your growth as an individual are the ones that are most valuable. 

this is a re-occurring lesson in life that we all can learn from. and if you know me, then you know that i care a lot for the good friends that i do have. but this summer in particular has shown me that i've just been keeping some people around in my life just because it's been the norm the past few years. i am realizing more and more each day that those individuals who have my best interest at heart are the ones that have that similar drive, determination and hustle as i do, but at the same time are wanting to harness on building a sustainable friendship. one of my friends enlightened me by saying that any relationship or friendship is a 50/50 deal, and that i should never find myself in the position of giving more than they are. and that's real talk.

3.  i must constantly be building my network so i can increase my future's net worth. 

i was exposed to sooo many networking opportunities this summer that i am just fired up to get back to campus and start making movies. i can't slack or get lazy this year because all this work that i've been putting into my education the last three years is about to finally pay off with the reward of a great job doing what i love. i'm prayerful that i will be presented with a great opportunity and God will guide me to many more opportunities for me to grow not only as a career woman, but also as a person.

this semester won't be the easiest, but i am standing firm on my faith in God that i will get through fall and spring semester and be blessed even more so. i have so many goals that i want to accomplish by may 14th, 2011 and i know with prayer, hard work, diligence and determination i will certainly make it through and come out on top.

good luck to all of my friends who are heading off to school for either the first time or for the final round. i pray that you are successful in and outside of the classroom and that you achieve all that you set out to this school year. we can do this! :)

☮ and ♥, 


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