April 11, 2010

Our Time Has Come...What are you going to do?

 I know it has been a LONG time coming since my last post, but it's all been in good reason...

I've been completely swamped for the last couple of weeks with rehearsals, school projects and work, but it has all taught me in the process. I had the pleasure of attending a lecture last Thursday night given my Jeff Johnson (aka "Cousin" Jeff) that was sponsored by the National Association of Black Journalists here at Syracuse University and his words were beyond inspiring and eye-opening. I really that many more people would have attended to hear the knowledge that he dropped that evening.

I've come to the conclusion that yes, I do tend to have a short attention for somethings, I'm not afraid to say it. ;-) but when it comes to wanting to change the world, there are sooo many things that I want to do in order to make that happen and I have no idea on earth where to start. So I want to pose the question, "what is your purpose?" While that is a broad question, and many of us have the slightest idea what it may be, just take a second to think about the possibility of knowing. Even if you don't believe in any higher power, you must know that there has to be some divine right in the universe that has created a specific path and destination for each of us.

Are you doing what it takes to live out/find your purpose, or are you simply waiting for something to come along and smack you across the head and tell you, "Hey! I'm your purpose in life, come follow me!"

If it were only that easy...but being in college these last three years, I've learned that sometimes things come much more difficult than others. We have to be willing to educate ourselves in order to make us better. Jeff talked about how his friend Paston Jamal Bryant (shout-out to the AMEC, whaddup! lol) had advised him to read one book a week, just create discipline and to expand his mind. I want to take on that challenge of reading a new book every other week (I've got to work to get like Cousin Jeff y'all).

But I want to challenge you all to do something that will make you better than you were yesterday. Life is full of endless possibilities, what are you going to do to take advantage of them?

For more information about Jeff Johnson, check out his website here Jeff's Nation and follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/jeffsnation


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