July 26, 2009

This Moment of Clarity: Dear God, It's Me.

Dear God,

It's me. I woke up this morning coming to a conclusion : I'm not perfect, but You know and accept that. Sometimes the people around me may not understand the way I act in sometimes-which may cause confusion and angst toward me, and for that I apologize. It's through you that I know that I can only become the better person that You want me to be. I thank you for all that You've blessed me with: life, health & strength. For keeping me surrounded with wonderful and loving family and caring friends, although I may try to push them away at times. I've realized that You've placed them in my life to keep me grounded and steadfast on this journey that You have sent me on. I know You are still working on me, and as it says in Your word, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

There have surely been times when I've wanted to throw in the towel and just give up - but I know that there are too many people in my corner and more importantly You who have taught Your children to never give up. I thank you for my life, and for the opportunity to give thanks and praise to you. For sustaining me through the tough times and the inward battles with myself. Thank you for bringing me out of those dark and lonely places, for comforting and reassuring me that everything that is okay. Continue to open my heart so that I can better understand what it is you have for me to do. With love and adoration, in your name I pray,

Amen. <3

Dear God - Smokie Norful

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