July 23, 2009

A Passion That Runs Deeper than Deep...

I think that if you know me personally, you know that my strongest passion - the thing that makes me the happiest - is dancing. Not being classically or technically trained, I have found this deep and soothing comfort in the art of movement. When I see dance, whether it be hip-hop, lyrical, jazz, Broadway, contemporary - it just stirs something within me. With that, my favorite show on television is FOX's "So You Think You Can Dance" and last night's performances?! Wowzers - LaurieAnn Gibson's piece was nothing short of legendary and powerful, but the one performance that brought me to tears *as well as the entire judge panel* was absolutely brilliant. Tyce Diorio choreographed his entire BODY with "This Woman's Work". It was absolutely amazing and moving piece. It just showed me that the most beautiful thing about dance is that it can tell the most compelling stories of our lifetime *besides music of course* but the intriguing ways that dancers can get their bodies to move in order to share life experiences touches down deep in my heart & soul. That's why I want better my craft and just convey to everyone that dance is just one way that i love to communicate with the world. It runs soo deep that its clearly indescribable. I believe deep in my heart that God has called each and everyone of His children to be great at a number of things, but it is up to us to yield to that call and share what he has blessed us with to the world around us.

I charge everyone to find their passion and share it with one, two or one hundred people, because as the saying goes, “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.”


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