July 14, 2009

I Used to Believe in Fairy Tales. . .

So with all this hoopla about "70% of black women being single", I thought it was about time for me to put my two cents in on this situation.

Now I've always been one who keeps their personal life private, but I must say that I've been single for a minute and it's been an eye-opening experience. I've learned a lot about myself and those around me and what I should and should not tolerate from my male counterparts when it comes to relationships. And as my friend @AndAllThatJas stated so eloquently *chi-city baybee, lol* we as young, intelligent and goal oriented women shouldn't solely focus on the make-believe stories that we were told growing up : you know, Cinderella & Prince Charming? Not all relationships are rainbows & butterflies - it takes compromise and really understanding your significant other in order to make it work. But first and foremost, it takes understanding who you are and being confident and comfortable with that inner-self. That is one thing that cannot be rushed, so to my ladies - let's take our time, be happy! Enjoy this time we have to be free & non-attached.[I'm not knocking being in a relationship, but it's kinda nice at some times] I'd rather know myself to the fullest before letting someone into my world and being confuzzled about which way is up...

We all have dreams of magically meeting our Knight in Shining Armor, having him sweep us off our feet and ride us off into the sunset to live happily ever after (so much that I daydreamed about it about a week ago- haha) but the truth is, the universe tends to work in ways that we cannot control. But in all seriousness, I honestly believe that everyone is meant to be with someone special. I may not know who that person is at this moment, but there out there some where.

I'm just gonna wait patiently, but no one can wait forever. I'm gonna continue to live my life to the fullest each & everyday and who knows, my Prince Charming might be right where I least expect him to be :-)

i'm no Dr. Phil, just a twenty-something college girl who might know a lil somethin-somethin'

<3 csc.

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